These images are the only known surviving copies of a documentary segment from FACING SOUTH screened on TVS 1982-1992 (now ITV), Friday (2nd of May 1986) 10.30pm. We have tried to find out if any of the documentary still exists but have come up with nothing so far. The Programme was looking at Witchcraft, Satanism, and the Occult in the South and South East (UK)
What we do know is that the Coven was Alexandrian, and was based down in Kent at the time of the documentary and photography, and later relocated to Scotland. The Coven was run by “Queen of the Kent witches” High Priestess Sally Taylor, and “Grand Mater” High Priest Dave Mapley (A British transport Police Officer) Sally was Initated by Maxine Sanders and David Goddard, but later worked with Alex Sanders before starting her own Coven .